"Hello"! At the date of today, most of the work which separate us from releasing is done. On the other hand, there are still some tasks left and most of the new NPC dialogues to translate. It's why we wish to report the date of the release. Most of these tasks requier some skill that the main evol team doesn't got (language skill), it's why we would like to get all of the help that you could give. Our wish to open the world of Evol Online to a large multilanguage community cost us a lot of time, it's one of the reason for the late of our second beta release. We would also like to take some more days to done some details for this release and to don't mess up anything on rushing for this last streight way. I hope that you are all aware of our beta-rules ( http://www.evolonline.org/guide_rules.html ). They will be added in game for the Beta Release #2 to make them more fame and aware to the players community. If you got something to change or if you want to talk about it, you are invited on our IRC development channel ( irc://irc.freenode.net/#evol-dev ). After all of this, once the third beta will be released, we will make a short interlude between the end of the Beta Session and the entrance on the Aurora's development step. This period will be to keep a clear and precise game development, we will focus on writing most of our guidelines and next project in regards of the Aurora (but also for the SkyView and Mercurian) releases down to the wiki. We will warn everybody one week before the release date, to don't disappoint anybody and for unstress the developer team from a sandglass running after them. ^^ As always, a last word for ManaPlus which passed the last week to the version. Our client need as many help as we do for translation. Anybody can help, Are you from France and do you understand english text? This mean that you are able to contribute on the french translation! (Of course, this example apply to every language.) You can read the changelog of ManaPlus at http://manaplus.evolonline.org/changelog . If you wish to follow the development of the client, or if you want to show your idea, you can join the IRC channel at irc://irc.freenode.net/#manaplus . I wish you all a good day and I hope to see you all again soon for the next step of Evol Online. :) Reid.